Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Shoutout Drawings #1

Welcome to the first Shoutout Drawings post! Todays post is a big, big shoutout to....


Unfortunately, she has turned non-member the day I made this post, so she isn't wearing the items that's in the picture, but she has them ^.^

Here's your drawing. Thanks for being a fantastic buddy, I hope you like your picture, and I'll hope to see you soon x


  1. You r a great drawer. :3

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Scammer or not, maybe she's changed (or not), she is still Wolfetter's friend. Whynot do one for Lilac Fedora?

    2. I am working on one for Lilac currently! She should be after the next one, which is for Speedy0409 >,<

  3. Remember, this page isn't just for my artwork! If there's a drawing you'd like to submit, email it to !
    You can also ask to have me draw your character, but be sure to tell me your username and which animal.
    Jam on! xx

  4. Attention: Any hate comments about the wonderful young lady (or anything else) will be deleted, and ignored. If you continue to submit hateful nonsense (two times), you will be put on strict blog administration. Any more than this will result in a ban from the blog. It may seem drastic, but we don't want people feeling down or insulted. Make sure to be kind. Have a nice day!

    xx Wolfetter

  5. Im so happy to hear that your making me a shout out drawing wolfetter thank you for every thing you do

    From:Lilac Fedora AJ
