Thursday, 25 June 2015

Animal Jam Updates: LLAMAS!

Hello JAMMERS! Wolfetter back with another AJ Update, the main part of it is what you've all been waiting for. LLAMAS!
Now, we all saw the teasers from the hacker:
And it was confirmed in the last update. Could Animal Jam drag it out for that long? Well, wait no longer. LLAMAS ARE IN JAMAA! 
In the Diamond Shop, 10 Diamonds each, a majestic LLAMA awaits you... It's llama-like mane flowing in the wind, with a twinkling diamond-spread tile shimmering as a magical backdrop against the harmony of llamaness...
Ahem. Anyway. I bet you want a picture!

They're so so cute! My favourite is the pink and purple one, because it's floppy hair is just... EEEEK! But, I'm sure you could make these beauties cooler rather than cute. How about some outfit ideas?

Clothing: Original Head Flower, Leg Armour, Blue Heart Locket

I personally LOVE this llama pic, because it's girly and tomboyish at the same time! The female flair alongside the cool blue melts together creating a simple, sweet and original outfit idea. The colouring is icy and very cute, and the items just make it even better! Using the stylish star stripe down the neck was a good move, since it lets the darker blue contrast to something. The leg armour was an interesting item to put together, but I really like it! It gives off the impression of maybe a lace trim or a pretty cuff.

Rating: 3/5 (opinion)
Clothing: Red Gazelle Horns, Red Pirate Sword, Rare Snow Trail Shoes
This look really sets it off for me. To begin, the colours are so interesting and really give off an evil and cool aura. The items used are really unique, but they totally go together. This outfit might be a bit more for the upper-classed Jammers, since some of the items are rare and very difficult to find around Jamaa. The black would normally be the colour of the fur around the neck- but for a change this Jammer used it the other way around, which really adds to the special charm this dude has!

Rating: 4/5

So now that the costumes are over and out, I want to know what YOU guys think of the new Llama Drama! Comment below whether or not you like the new animal in Jamaa, or perhaps you have a reason against them? Do you think that llamas should have been for gems, or even for non-members? Go on, what're you waiting for? 

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