Friday, 13 April 2018

Animal Jam Updates - April 12th 2018

Hey guys! Wolfetter here, coming right at ya to explore the new Animal Jam update! This update came out on the 12th of April, and holds some pretty exciting stuff. If you haven't seen the update, I recommend you check it out first and then see my views on it.

First up... Sabertooths have bounded into Jamaa! 

Everybody was trying to figure out what the statue could be... Was it a dinosaur? Maybe some sort of aquatic creature? Even a weirdly shaped dodo? No, the true identity was a sabertooth. These animals can be found in the Diamond Shop for 10 diamonds. These are members only, and everyone has been scrambling to buy one.

Sabertooths were the LARGEST cat to ever live the Earth? They could grow up to 400kg, which is as heavy as a fully grown horse!

Click 'discover this post' to find out what these creatures look like in Jamaa, as well as their unique actions!

Thursday, 12 April 2018

It's Been a While

It's definitely been a while; nearly a year since I last updated this blog. I don't know what happened, but my passion for animal jam and my love for the game totally burnt out during that year. I got older and began to grow out of Animal Jam and all it had to offer. 

But earlier this year, I logged back into my account, Wolfetter , just to remind myself of what it was like.  It struck me with so much nostalgia and love - it was like I'd never left. I walked around Jamaa and marvelled at everything I'd missed. A whole new land, new animals and countless new pets. Non-members got more to play with and the Zios statue was awake again.

I realised that, because Animal Jam is always updating and always shifting into new stages, I couldn't leave it behind again. I've decided to start-up this blog once more, and hopefully we won't have any year-long hiatuses any time soon.

Another post coming later today, and it's good to be back.

- Wolfetter -